Case studies 

Client: Blue Mountains Taekwondo


Not getting enough new members into their adult Taekwondo classes. Despite running Facebooks ads and getting “okay” results, coach David didn’t have the time to invest in optimizing, scaling, and managing ads daily while running his academy and working full time.


Customer research
Ad copy variations
Offer development
Ongoing optimization


Client: Jiu Jitsu Medellín (Gordo Afilliate)


Professor Jaime knew Facebook advertising could help attract new members, but he didn’t feel confident in his ability to run successful campaigns. 

And, ideally, he wanted to an agency with expertise in marketing martial arts schools, so he hired us to handle their digital marketing to attract new members using Facebook ads.


✅ Customer research
✅ Ad copy variations
✅ Messaging testing
✅ Ongoing optimization
✅Lead follow-up

Want to run a thriving academy?

Because, if you don’t have time to tinker with Facebook, the expertise in-house to run email campaigns, or want to set your business up for ongoing success…

…we’ll take marketing off your mind.  

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